Shared calendar - a real-world example

As if to reinforce my recent posting on the usefulness of a shared calendar (See Shared calendars are one part of an organized family), today I received information on my son's Little League schedule today. This offers a perfect demonstration of type of information that should go directly into your shared calendar as soon as you receive it.

The effects of regularly scheduled events like this riffle through your entire life and it really pays to get them into your calendar and see where any conflicts might arise.

In my particular case, I created 2 repeating events, each ending on May 30. One is for a Thursday practice and the other for a Sunday practice. Instead of creating individual items for each practice day, I can use the repeat or recurring functions of my calendar to place them all automatically. While I don't yet have the actual game schedule, I did get information on what day the actual games will start. To give the entire family a "heads-up", I noted this date in the calendar as well. Once I receive the complete game schedule, I will add all the games, snack days, etc into the calendar so that there will be no surprises, at least in regards to the baseball season.

I hope you will follow my example when confronting your next big event, whether it is a sport activity, guitar lessons, dance or karate classes or any activity that needs a prominent reminder in your shared, family calendar.
