Elsewhere Online: Google Opens Gmail To All

Gmail LogoUpdate: (2/8/07, 8:37 pm): Hmmm...maybe not so much...yet. It seems that the open signup is appearing to some users, but not others. In the meantime, if you want a Google account, email techiq@welchwrite.com and I will send you an invite to Gmail, making the who issue moot.

Finally! Now you don't need to get an invite from a friend or co-worker. Get yourself to http://gmail.com and cook yourself up a fresh new email address.

With all the changes going on in the ISP (Internet Service Provider) business and everyone forcing their users to use a new email address, why not sign up for Gmail and have an address that will last forever (or at least until Google goes bankrupt. (SM ILE).

Even better, you can get your Gmail on your cell phone and there's even a podcast which can tell you how to get the most out of all of its features..the Gmail podcast, written and hosted by my fellow Friends in Tech member, Chuck Tomasi.

Google Opens Gmail To All

Reader Russian Art Buyer lets us know that GMail is now open for all ("Google Mail" in the UK). The service is no longer by invitation only. This welcome page shows an ever-increasing amount of storage available per user, currently about 2,815 MB.

(Via Slashdot.)

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