Elsewhere Online: Microsoft Hit By U.S. DOT Ban On Windows Vista, Explorer 7, and Office 2007

This article from Information Week can certainly make you think twice about upgrading to the latest versions of several Windows products. While the concerns are certainly larger for large corporations and governmental agencies, they bring up some issues that all of face in smaller ways.

Concerns over compatibility seem to be the most pressing for the government, as they have a series of legacy applications which are installed throughout their organizations. Where you or I might only need worry about upgrading 2 or 3 programs, they must must consider upgrading 10-15 application across tens of thousands of users.

The article calls out the fact that the government, and many companies, are not seeing a compelling reason to upgrade. It seems more likely that Vista and other software will arrive in some piecemeal fashion, rather than part of a complete overhaul.

Microsoft Hit By U.S. DOT Ban On Windows Vista, Explorer 7, and Office 2007 (Paul McDougall/InformationWeek)

Microsoft Hit By U.S. DOT Ban On Windows Vista, Explorer 7, and Office 2007 — Tens of thousands of federal workers are prohibited from upgrading to the latest versions, according to memos seen by InformationWeek. — Citing concerns over cost and compatibility, the top technology official …

Source: InformationWeek

(Via Techmeme.)

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