Traffic change on Moorpark Street near the Sherman Oaks Library

Moorpark Street Lane ChangeIf you frequent the Sherman Oaks Branch of the LA Public Library, like I do, you will want to be aware of some traffic changes on Moorpark Street at Tyrone, especially as you approach the library eastbound on Moorpark.

Up until a few days ago, there was a turn lane the middle of Moorpark Street, which allowed you make a left turn into the library parking lot. Today, I was very surprised to note that what had been a bi-directional turn lane is now an extended left turn lane for westbound traffic onto Tyrone.

Google Map showing change

Google MyMap of Lane Changes

This now makes it unsafe to attempt a left turn into the library parking lot. I noticed a lot of folks doing what I did, which was to go up one block to Katherine and either make a U-Turn at the intersection or find a place to turn around on Katherine.

I think this change has made entering the library much more dangerous, even if it has eased westboound traffic on Moorpark. I can imagine that the neighbors are going to be upset with all the new turnaround traffic, as well. The only entrance to the main library parking lot is from Moorpark and I am going to going to guess that at some point there will be a major accident as someone attempts to make their usual left turn from the single easybound lane or, even worse, goes the wrong way up the new left turn lane without thinking about it.

The picture above is pretty low-quality as it is from my cell phone, but if you can see the long white line in the middle the street, that used to be a yellow line denoting the north side of the bi-directional turn lane. Click the photo for a larger version.

I was pretty surprised by this change when I hit it today, so be aware and stay safe.

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