Check your bills...regularly!

This post from points out why it is so important to check each of your utility bills, especially your telephone and cell bills as often as possible. Since I pay the bills in my family, I can usually tell if a bill has increased dramatically from the last month, but I still make a point of reading each bill -- IN FULL -- at least every couple of months.

The truth is, as the article notes, scams like these are rampant. Worse yet, they are facilitated with the knowledge of your phone provider. Technology can be used for good, but it can also be used for evil, so beware of those might try to take advantage of you.

Make sure you aren't paying more than you should for anything. Those dollars belong in your pocket, not the bank account of some scammer.

Class Action Lawsuit?

...I look at the messages, and they are all from 90900, the Joke of the Day mobile phone service (

The first message gives me the PIN I will need to start the service, and the next two messages are a second invitation and the first joke.

I NEVER ASKED TO GET THIS and I din't reply with the PIN number to start the service, but just to be safe I call AT&T and what do you know, WITHOUT MY PERMISSION they have enrolled me in this and already charged me $9.99.

(Click for complete article)

(Via Blogging.LA.)

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