BarCampLA-5 is This Weekend - March 1 & 2

(Updated 2/26/08 217pm: (from BarCampLA Twitter - While a more formal announcement is coming later tonight, we've upped the number of attendees to 250 people.

The latest installment of BarCampLA is coming this weekend and I will be there. You should be, too. Check out the web site at

BarCamp is an unconference, which means the program is developed entirely by those attending. Everyone who comes is also a presenter. Come listen to sessions on business, technology, PR...whatever strikes our fancy and then give others the benefit of your expertise.

I am hoping to present 2 sessions at this BarCamp:

A Year of Visibility 2.0 - You need to let people know what you do, and how well you do it, if you want to take your life and career to a new level. I will show you how to go about raising your visibility in whatever realm you wish and the tools that can help make it happen.

Podcasting Now! - Using free Internet tools, you can be podcasting within minutes. I will give you step-by-step instructions on how to start podcasting right from BarCamp itself. No need to take weeks getting set up. Pick up you cell phone or camera and start podcasting TODAY!

Openings to attend BarCampLA-5 are filling up fast. Get your name in today or, at least, get on the waiting list. You don't want to miss it.
