TechnologyIQ highlighted as Top 10 Technology Podcast - Welcome TechRepublic Readers

I awoke to a very pleasant surprise this morning. TechnologyIQ was selected as one of the Top 10 Technology Podcasts by TechRepublic Executive Editor, Jason Hiner.

This was entirely unexpected, but very welcome news. It is great to be included in with such tech podcast giants like Buzz Out Loud and TWIT (This Week in Tech) with Letecho Laporte. You'll find a link to all the Top 10 podcasts in the article excerpt below.

If you have arrived here from TechRepublic, welcome! I hope you like what you see and hear. Drop me a comment and let me know what would help you and/or your clients to "control your technology, don't let it control you." ... which is my theme here at TechnologyIQ.

While you are here, let me introduce you to my other blogs and podasts...

Career Opportunities

A print column for 12 years and a podcast for 3 1/2 years, Career Opportunities is "Helping to Build the Career You Deserve" with weekly, 5-6 minute columns on getting the most out of your career.

A Gardener's Notebook

Come and join me in my garden and watch as I both succeed and fail with my gardening projects. Audio and video podcasts bring you into my garden on a regular basis.

Careers in Podcasting and New Media

The home for my work and writing about New Media and what it means for all of us. Here you will find videos from talks I have given at various BarCamp and PodCamp events and more.

My Word

My catch-all personal blog, podcast and vlog highlighting all the neat stuff (and neat people) I find in my life. Travelogue videos, "What I'm Reading...", PlacesLA, interviews and more.

Sanity check: The 10 best technology podcasts | Tech Sanity Check |

Author: Jason Hiner

Because of the breakneck pace of change in the technology world, there is so much information that most of us need to keep up with on a daily basis. Unfortunately, I don’t have enough time to read as much as I would like. As a result, podcasts are one of the most valuable tools that I use to stay current in tech, because of the fact that I can multi-task while I’m listening to podcasts.

(Continues on the web site)

(Via TechRepublic.)
