Maker Faire: Jack Sparx and his Electric Toys

From the Maker Faire Program...

Jack Sparx and his Electric Toys

Electricity you can see and feel will thrill those that come visit me! Small and medium Tesla coils, a large Van de Graff gnerator that will shock you if you like. Learn how a Jacob's Ladder is built and see one displayed. If you enjoy lightning storms, you'll have fun as we play with my high voltage toys!

Web site:

iPod Ready Movie

Topic(s): Science

Tags: Tesla+Coil "Jacob's Ladder" " Van de Graff generator"

About the Maker(s)

John Dyer []

Dyer Electric

The first word I said was plug! I have been involved with electricity all my life. I have had careers as an electrical contractor, radio engineer, audio engineer and many others. Born, raised, and remain in Sacramento. Built and exhibited art, a radio station and science at Burning Man and other venues around the area.
