Tech Question of the Day: Computer image doesn't fit the screen

I got this great question as an anonymous comment on an older post on the My Word blog. Since this problem can still effect people still using older CRT monitors, I wanted to include my answer here.


The screen position on my monitor is not in the center. I've connected different monitors and the image is still off. I've checked the drivers and i've updated them, but there's no improvement

My Ansswer:

It sounds like you have an older CRT monitor, as the the newer LCD monitors do not exhibit this problem. The fact is, it probably has nothing to do with your PC settings, but rather with the settings in the monitor itself.

Each monitor has a built-in settings area, usually accessed using one of the front panel button on the monitor that allow you change a variety of settings. These settings include adjusting the position and size of the image. Older monitors can react badly to different resolution settings on the computer itself and you use these settings to move the image back into the center of the screen and make it fill the entire screen.

Look for a button on the front of your monitor labeled Menu or Setting to get into these options and then select the appropriate options to re-position your image.

I hope this helps!

