LA Street Traffic in Google Maps

Update August 25, 2009: According to the Google Maps group, street traffic has been turned on today. I noticed it early this morning, when I brought up Google Maps on my iPhone. While I had seen some information on state routes over the last several months, this update adds a host of larger streets throughout the area, at least here in LA.

Update: It looks like this was only a test on Google's part. I hope they move to launch it as soon as possible, though, as it will be amazingly helpful in navigating around the city

How did I miss this? Has this feature been available for a while?

If you look at this screen grab, you will notice that Google Maps traffic now shows surface street traffic, not just the freeways. I used to have to go to the LA City Traffic Info page to get this amount of detail.

Unfortunately, the iPhone Maps application doesn't show this data yet. This would be so cool and so useful to have in the palm of your hand when driving about the city, like I do.


Scott Elkin said…
It just went live!
Yes, I noticed a lot more information in Google Maps on my iPhonr this morning as I headed out to a client call.