Question: How do I set up a Wordpress blog with a static page as the home page?

I get a lot of questions every day and here is a one from today...

  • Q: How do I set up a Wordpress or blog to use a static page as the opening screen instead of a list of blog posts?

  • A: I first turned to the Wordpress Codex to give me some guidance on this. You can read more in this here - Creating a static front page.

    Basically, you create the Wordpress Page you would like to act as the front page for the site. Put your home page content here. Then, create another page and name it Blog, Posts, or whatever else makes sense to you. You need not add anything to this page, as it is only a placeholder to contain the usual posts you would see in a more typical Wordpress blog.

    Next, from the Wordpress Dashboard, select Settings, Reading. Under the first option on that page (Front page displays) select the radio button next to "A static page". Then in the popup menus immediately below that, under Front Page, select the page you created to act as the new front page. Under the Posts page, select the second page you created named Blog, Posts, etc. Scroll to the bottom of the page and click the blue "Save Changes" button.

    Now when people visit your blog, they will see the static page you defined. You will need to include a link to the Posts page in the sidebar or header in order to allow people to access your blog posts.

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