Product: Flexible LED Strip Lights from Cool Tools

Cool Tools has a great article on these LED Strip Lights that can be used to illuminate under cabinet, toe kicks and just about anywhere you would want some accent lighting. The come in white and various colors and some even have programmable features that allow you to select any color you might like. They can a bit expensive, but it looks like advances int the technology have been steadily bringing the price down.

I could see using these under my own kitchen cabinets to bring a bit better illumination to the countertops and a bit of style to the kitchen itself.

Led strip

From the Cool Tools blog...

Flexible LED Strip Lights


"The strips are about 1 cm wide and 2 mm thick. The strips come on a spool with a sticky tape side. You press the sticky side to the bottom of the cabinet (or the sides inside) and the strip gives a very diffuse effective and efficient light. They are so thin, you can't really see the light strip itself, only the glow. The strip is a circuit of LEDs in a row. They have marked segments about every 2-3 inches where you can cut them to fit. They typically run off of 12 volts; the transformer can sit i a cabinet, attic, or basement. You can also specific different color temperatures (very warm to very cool). The lights are dimmable."


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