On My iPhone/Android… - Facebook/Facebook Pages Manager/Facebook Messenger

"On my iPhone…" is a new series from TechnologyIQ, sharing real world examples of how I use my iPhone, interesting apps and more!

Facebook/Facebook Pages Manager/Facebook Messenger

Facebook appFacebook page appFacebook msg app

** Available for  your Android smartphone or tablet here

Helping me keep in touch with all things Facebook, these apps allow me access the usual Facebook features, monitor and work with my Facebook Pages (I have one for every blog and organization I do) and Messenger for allowing me to send and receive Facebook messages and chat on my iPhone.

I am not a big user of Facebook, but certain people want to interact with me and my pages there, so I need to monitor things and reply wherever they prefer to interact. This apps simplify that process greatly.

 Facebook screen


Previously in "On my iPhone…":
