Products: PhoneSuit Power Core Micro - Backup charger for your smartphone

Phonesuit Chargers

I highlighted another charger device in the 2012 Gift Guide, but I came across the PhoneSuit Core Micro today and wanted to share it with you. Like the Mophie Powerstation, the PhoneSuit Power Core Micro claims to charge your iPhone5 (or other smartphone) with about 2 full charges. Unlike previous cases that were meant to be attached to your phone, these power "bricks" can ride in your bag or in your pocket until you need them.

You charge the Phonesuit Core Micro using a micro-USB cable. Once charged you can connect any USB device to the standard USB outlet to charge it. This means you can attach your older 30-pin iPhone cable or the newer Lightening cable (or any other USB cable for that matter)

In my work, I can usually charge my devices while driving, but for those of you are away from power for any length of time or just need some extra power to complete that recording, phone call or video, the Phonesuit Core Micro could be very useful to you.

Link: Phonesuit Web Site
