On my Mac/Windows PC…Minecraft

On My Mac/Windows PC is an on-going series highlighting the software (and sometimes, hardware) I use on my Mac nearly every day. Look for additional On My Mac…posts in the coming weeks! -- Douglas

Minecraft Main Screen


My son got me started with Minescraft about a year ago and I am definitely hooked! I am NOT a big gamer in any way, but the sandbox metaphor of Minecraft -- doing whatever interests you most -- building whatever you like -- keeps me going and always provides something new to do. I even went so far as to set up a multiplayer server here at the house where my son and I, and some select friends can play in our own little world.

You can download the client software and play in single player mode to try things out, but at just a little over $26, Minecraft is an inexpensive way to have a lot of fun with your computer -- in your own little world!

Minecraft Web Site

Previously in On My Mac...
