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Adobe Password Reset Notices arriving in email boxes worldwide

As mentioned in my social media feeds last week, Adobe's system were compromised and information on registered users was accessed by some unknown attacker. It is unknown exactly how this information may be used and so Adobe has requested that all registered users reset their passwords for any Adobe accounts. I received notice for my own Adobe account this morning via email. This seems to indicate that a large number of these message were delivered to fellow Adobe users overnight. If you receive a similar message, I highly recommend visiting the link included in the email by typing the address directly into your browser. This site will ask you to entire the email address associated with your Adobe ID and then send you a separate, password reset email.

Note: It took quite a while for the reset mail to arrive. I am guessing that Adobe's servers are handling a heavy load with all these notices. Be patient when waiting for the password reset email.

Adobe reset

The message...

"Important Password Reset Information

To view this message in a language other than English, please click here.

We recently discovered that an attacker illegally entered our network and may have obtained access to your Adobe ID and encrypted password. We currently have no indication that there has been unauthorized activity on your account.

To prevent unauthorized access to your account, we have reset your password. Please visit to create a new password. We recommend that you also change your password on any website where you use the same user ID or password. In addition, please be on the lookout for suspicious email or phone scams seeking your personal information.

We deeply regret any inconvenience this may cause you. We value the trust of our customers and we will work aggressively to prevent these types of events from occurring in the future. If you have questions, you can learn more by visiting our Customer Alert page, which you will find here.
Adobe Customer Care"


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