Elsewhere: iMovie 10 for Mac: TUAW hands-on video walkthrough

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Whenever there is a major upgrade for any of my "go-to" software, I am always very careful to get as much info on changes, removals and additions as possible before making the move. As we saw with iMovie 10, this was probably a good idea, as there was a significant rollback in some features that could have made working with it uncomfortable.

This is a great walk-through of of iMovie 10, a little over 11 minuntes long, that points out the significant changes and giving a basic demo of how it works. iMovie has now adopted the look and feel of Apple's full-featured video editor, Final Cut Pro, while still trying to remain easy-to-use for beginning and intermediate video editors.

iMovie 10 for Mac: TUAW hands-on video walkthrough

Apple announced the latest version of its popular entry-level video editor iMovie 10 as part of the new iLife application suite. The updated version features major changes to the interface, as it has been redesigned to make it easier to create and share your videos. This walkthrough video will hopefully help smooth over the transition from older versions and highlight some of the new features including the import and editing of iPhone 5s Slo-Mo video clips.

Read the entire article and watch the video on TUAW web site
