What I'm Reading...Wikipatterns


I had seen mention of this book online and requested it from my local library. It is an interesting look at how you can drive and manage the use of a wiki in your company or group. The author has obviously been around the block in getting wikis accepted inside of companies and offers up Wikipatterns, or scenarios about the type of users and uses you will see in a typical wiki project. Additionally, I wanted to read this book to see how these patterns also might be used to understand and manage the dynamics behind forming groups, both online and face to face.

From Amazon.com...
  • This book provides practical, proven advice for encouraging adoption of your wiki project and growing it into a useful collaboration tool or vibrant online community
  • Gives wiki users a toolbox of thriving wiki patterns, which enable newcomers to avoid making common mistakes or fumbling around for the solutions to the same problems as their predecessors
  • Explains the major stages of wiki adoption and explores patterns that apply to each stage
  • Presents concrete, proven examples of techniques that have helped people grow vibrant collaborative communities and change the way they work for the better
  • Reviews the overall process, including setting up initial content, encouraging people to contribute, dealing with disruptive elements, fixing typos and broken links, making sure pages are in their correct categories, and more
Previously in What I'm Reading...

