New Media Gear 24: KumbaCam 3 Axis SmartPhone Stabilizer mentioned in New Media Interchange Episode 14

Originally posted on Careers in New Media with Douglas E. Welch

New Media Gear 23: KumbaCam 3 Axis SmartPhone Stabilizer

Kumba cam

Mentioned in New Media Interchange Episode 14: Emmys, Apple Television Streaming and VR

  • 3-Axis Handheld Stabilizer for SmartPhones. (Works with iPhone 6+ and GoPro cameras)
  • 3 modes which can be changed as simply as tapping the mode button
  • Heading Follow Mode (Default) - Phone Pitch and Roll Angles remain constant, heading follows the handheld position.
  • Heading Mode (Tap Mode Once) - Keeps the phone pointed in the same direction
  • Locking Mode (Tap mode Twice) - Keeps the phone pointed in the forward direction from the Handle

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Previously on New Media Gear:
