HackerspaceLA educating and launching push for physical location in the San Fernando Valley

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Last night I walked, yes WALKED, to a meeting of HackerspaceLA right here in my own neighborhood of Van Nuys and it looks to be a great new resource for hacker and makers of all sorts. Over the years, I have become less and less likely to face the hassle of heading “over the hill” for meet ups and events, so it is great to see this resource right here in my own backyard. I am greatly looking forward to being more involved with the group. If you are in the Los Angeles area, consider coming by for a meeting sometime. I’ll also be trying to record various classes and meetings to share online.

HackerspaceLA is the creation of Jorge Cornejo.

"Hackerspace Los Angeles weekly meet up. Come by and mingle with like-minded people and see what others are working on. Find out what planned activities do we have and how you can participate.

If you are interested in helping us establish a permanent location in the San Fernando Valley you need to be here to help us plan this and make it happen. We’ll still be holding classes/workshops of various interests once a month. I will be posting the schedule later in the week and will be announced in separate meetup for each of the workshops."

Upcoming classes/meetings include “Let’s Talk Arduino”. a school hack night on Electromagnetism for middle school students, How to Reclaim Electronic Components for your projects, Basic Soldering Skills and more! Have technology questions? Bring them along. I am sure you will find a wealth of resources to help get your project moving!

Follow HackerspaceLA on a variety of social media sites:
