Discovered this kit on TechDirt in my online reading today. My recent foray into the hackerspace world has got me thinking more about neat technology and how it might be used. You could certainly take a more DIY approach and use this as an example to work towards your own. You would learn even more through that process, I am sure.

I am guessing they will probably release a version with Raspi 3 in the coming months, which would bump up the processing power considerably.
Link: Piper Raspberry Pi Computer Kit
- Hand-crafted wooden computer case with LCD screen monitor
- Minecraft story mode adventure play with hardware components and challenges
- Wifi enabled gameplay for extra levels and sharing capabilities
- Electronic gadgets including LED lights, motion sensors, buzzers, buttons, and switches
- Self-contained computer running on a Raspberry Pi 2 Project Board - 1GB RAM - 900 MHz Quad-Core CPU
I am guessing they will probably release a version with Raspi 3 in the coming months, which would bump up the processing power considerably.
Link: Piper Raspberry Pi Computer Kit