Noted: Root, the code-teaching robot via @HackerspaceLA

From the @HackerpsaceLA Twitter feed...

Root, the code-teaching robot

"Fitting somewhere between old-time remote-controlled toy trains and today’s video games, Root is a robot that is programmed using a tablet interface called Square. Root has light and color sensors, bumpers, and a touch surface that enable it to respond to the physical world. In a classroom setting, Root would “drive” along a magnetic dry-erase whiteboard at the front of the class, giving the young programmers an “instant, physical manifestation” of the code, according to Zivthan Dubrovsky, who leads the robotics platform at Wyss."

Read the entire article

About HackerspaceLA...

Hackerspace Los Angeles weekly meet up. Come by and mingle with like-minded people and see what others are working on. Find out what planned activities do we have and how you can participate.

If you are interested in helping us establish a permanent location in the San Fernando Valley you need to be here to help us plan this and make it happen.

We’ll still be holding classes/workshops on various interests once a month. I will be posting the schedule later in the week and it will be announced in a separate meetup for each of the workshops.
