Coding with Kids: Hopscotch's visual coding app is now on the iPhone

Learning to code can be an empowering skill that can help anyone, but especially children, feel accomplished and in control of their education. We should all be learning something new every day, so why not take a few moments to learn how to code fun programs and apps and engage your creativity?

Hopscotch is a visual programming language and development tool for the iPad and now the iPhone that allows you to drag-and-drop programming elements, code, graphics, sound and more to create apps that you can then share with your friends or the world.

Hopscotch is similar to other desktop visual coding systems like Scratch, developed by MIT, but with the convenience of running on a mobile device that you can easily take with you wherever you go. Sometimes learning needs to happen in those small bits of free time we have available and a mobile device makes it even easier to take advantage of those small moments in our day.

Hopscotch has highlighted 10 of their favorite apps developed with the system in their blog post, 10 Most Innovative Hopscotch Games of 2015. Click to link to their site for some excellent examples of what people are already creating with this great coding environment,

Download Hopscotch from the Apple App Store
Visit the Hopscotch Web Site
Read more about Hopscotch in this article from The Verge
