Working and learning with my Arduino Yun (also via eBay)and a new OLED 128x64 pixel display. This is such a tiny display that I needed to bump up the font size to make it a bit more readable and scroll through the data instead of trying to present it on one screen, like I had before.
I am using the Adafruit SSD1306 library as the u8glib library was hanging after a few minutes of the running. The program would continue running in the background but the screen would stop updating. Frustrating and I found no easy answers to what it was happening.
You can read about this project in previous posts here on TechnologyIQ for a bit more detail.
Blue 0.96" I2C IIC 128X64 OLED LCD Display Module For Arduino UNO R3 Breadboard
You can easily purchase your own via Amazon, eBay and other sources.