Noted: Open Robots With Open Roberta via HackADay

HackADay reports on the OpenRoberta project to help kids learn more about building and operating their first robots.

Read Open Robots With Open Roberta at HackADay

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Visit the Open Roberta site for more information. You can also try out a simulated robot there.

Open Roberta

The Open Roberta project continues the Fraunhofer-Initiative »Roberta – Learning with Robots«. For more than ten years, this initiative enabled girls and boys to explore the world of robots and to learn about computer science, natural sciences and technology (STEM). The aim of Open Roberta is to overcome technical and professional barriers for teachers and students alike. The free cloud-based Platform »Open Roberta Lab" can be used at any time from any device using standard Internet browsers.

Open Roberta Lab

The programming environment »Open Roberta Lab" enables children and adolescents to program Lego Mindstorms EV3 robots. A variety of different programming blocks are provided to program motors, sensors and the EV3-Brick. Open Roberta Lab uses an approach of graphical programming so that beginners can seamlessly start coding. As a cloud-based application, the platform can be used without prior installation of specific software but runs in any popular browser, independent of operating system and device.

Open roberta
