Utility: Razzmaster Configures Raspberry Pi Over the Network (And It’s Free!)

Razzmaster Configures Raspberry Pi Over the Network (And It’s Free!)

 Here is a nice little, useful utility that helps you configure a number of Raspberry Pi boards quickly, say in an educational or hackerspace environment. No need to hook up keyboards and monitors one at a time to get them running.

Utilities like this are always quite useful as someone else has gone through the trouble of automating the process. All you have to do is use it. Sometimes, we can all go "down the rabbit hole" of taking so much time to create a utility it actually takes more time than it saves. No worries here.

PubNub is a startup, and like many startups we use a lot of open source software. We are also huge fans of the Raspberry Pi. We’ve even built a Pi workshop because it’s so flexible and easy to get started with. Setting up Raspberry Pis for workshops and projects can be a pain, though, especially if you have a lot of them to set up. To address this I created a small open source tool called Razzmaster which lets you find and configure Raspberry Pis over a local network, even if you don’t know the IP address. 
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