Education: Meet the Megaprocessor: A 20kHz behemoth CPU you can actually see in action via Extreme Tech

Education: Meet the Megaprocessor: A 20kHz behemoth CPU you can actually see in action via Extreme Tech

Ever wanted to climb inside a computer and watch all the parts to their thing? The Megaprocessor might be one way to do just that.

James Newman looked at all the computerized miniaturization around him and thought differently. He wanted to see how the computer worked at the transistor level so he blew up the computer by 100 times so he (and, thankfully, we) can see the sweet goodness of every bit, every byte, every ad, every register and more as it runs programs.

Megaprocessor panorama 640x207

You can get a tour of the Megaprocessor in this video where Newman explains how it all works — and even plays a game of Tetris on the computer while you watch the blinking lights.

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