Noted: This Gadget Can Help Save You Big Bucks On Your Power Bill - Sense Home Energy Monitor by John Patrick Pullen

Noted: This Gadget Can Help Save You Big Bucks On Your Power Bill - Sense Home Energy Monitor by John Patrick Pullen

This Gadget Can Help Save You Big Bucks On Your Power Bill

The Sense monitor helps show you which appliances are using the most energy
My electrician had his doubts — and I have to admit that I did, too. As he looped a pair of clamps around my home’s main electrical lines, he told me the smart home gadget I hired him to install inside my breaker box wasn’t anything more than a voltage meter.

“I could get you one of these for a fraction of the price,” he said. “And it would have an LCD display, too.”

In hindsight, his lack of faith in this newfangled device was misplaced. A small, orange brick with a white antenna sticking out of it, the $249 Sense home energy monitor doesn’t look all that special. But it differs from conventional voltage meters in two ways. First, it connects to your home’s Wi-Fi network, meaning it can relay your home’s energy usage data into the cloud for some pretty heady number crunching. And second, that information is then relayed to apps on your Android or iOS device, where you can get a comprehensive view of your home’s electrical activity.

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