Emulate the Golden Age of the Macintosh Thanks to the Internet Archive via Kotaku

I remember these days. In college I was able to use one of the first 128K Macs although I was mainly an Apple II user at the time. In 1989 I purchased my first Mac Plus and I have been mainly a Mac user since then. This brings back some memories both pleasant and not of those times. (LAUGH) — Douglas

Mac history

Along with its duties of maintaining copies of important news, literature, scientific information, and old MySpace pages, the Internet Archive also loves to create emulations for you to fiddle with inside your browser. Today, the lovable non-profit organization has made it easy for you to relive the glory years of the early Macintosh like it’s 1985 all over again.

There’s something about the black and white interface of the original Macintosh computers that’s timeless. Sure, it might remind people of the Reagan-era but it is such a pleasing design that one could easily imagine it being a minimalist OS mod for people who want to simplify their user experience. Diving into the Internet Archive’s new collection of early Mac emulators gives the user a chance to see what it would be like to use that old OS with modern hardware.

Read Emulate the Golden Age of the Macintosh Thanks to the Internet Archive via Kotaku

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