Google opens up Classroom so anyone can now become a teacher via The Next Web

I often find myself assisting my college professor wife with her online classrooms using Blackboard, Moodle and others. This also has me often thinking about putting together my own online courses. Google has made this much easier by providing everyone access to their new Classroom service. 

Poking around in it the other day, it seems very similar to other online classroom products I have used and could provide you with an easy method of hosting your own educational projects -- Douglas

Google is opening up its Classroom educational service to allow anyone to create and teach a class on its platform. 
The web-based tool works across devices and Google says it can be used to help manage classes for adult education, hobbies, and after school programs. 
Classroom should come in handy for people who want to do more than just post tutorials on their blogs and YouTube channels; they can add resources, post tasks and assignments and interact with students as they progress through lessons. 
This is the second major update to Classroom in 2017: last month, Google expanded the service to allow anyone to join classes, without the need for a G Suite for Education account (which is usually made available by schools and universities to their students).

Read Google opens up Classroom so anyone can now become a teacher via The Next Web

An interesting link found among my daily reading
