This Arduino zen garden lets you draw in the sand remotely via

I love projects that bridge the gap between the digital and the physical world. I remember seeing something similar to this year’s ago when I first visited Maker Faire Bay Area. I’ve linked a video of that project below, too. — Douglas

The Japanese rock garden, or simply zen garden, has become a popular desk toy, but the folks over at Makr Toolbox have taken it to the next level with an Arduino system that lets you draw in the sand at the press of a button.

The system works with a gantry that sits below the sandbox. Powered by a pair of motors, the gantry works much like those on a 3D printer, something the creator of this project has experiance with, but without the Z axis. In the middle of the gantry there is a magnet that moves a ball bearing across the sand.

Read This Arduino zen garden lets you draw in the sand remotely via

My video from Maker Faire Bay Area 2008 of a similar project

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