This App is Fire: GIF Toaster via Lifehacker

Animated GIFS are everywhere these day, so you might as well have an easy way to make them. I am in the middle of checking out this app today! — Douglas

iOS: Making GIFs yourself has always been a pretty involved process either made too simple to suit my desires or too complicated to be intuitive. GIF Toaster blends the best of both worlds, offering more than enough control over the GIFs you’re trying to create in an interface that’s simple to use and unobscured by ads (if you pay). It’s a must have app on your iOS device and has been praised by users familiar with the apps available for GIF-building. If you ever want to make a GIF with some pro-level tools, or desire more flexibility to customize your creation just the way you want it, GIF Toaster is a more than capable tool.

Read This App is Fire: GIF Toaster via Lifehacker

An interesting link found among my daily reading
