Relay Computer: You Can Hear It Think via hack a day

This is so geeky as to almost defy description, but as someone who uses audio cues a lot (perhaps it was all those years listening to modem tones to diagnose problems) I love the ideas of being able to hear your computer working — at least for a little while. — Douglas

Modern digital computers have complex instruction sets that runs on state-of-the-art ALUs which in turn are a consequence of miniaturized logic gates that are built with tiny transistors. These tiny transistors are essentially switches. You could imagine replacing with electromagnetic relays, and get what is called a relay computer. If you can imagine it, someone’s done it. In this case, [jhallenworld].

The Z3 was the first working programmable, fully automatic digital computer designed by Konrad Zuse. The board employs modern semiconductor devices such as memory and microcontrollers, however, the CPU is all relays. A hexadecimal keyboard allows for program entry and a segment display allows tracking the address and data. The program is piped into serial to the parallel decoder and fed to the CPU where the magic happens. Since the core is electromechanical it is possible to connect the output to peripherals such as a bell as demonstrated near the end of the video.

Read Relay Computer: You Can Hear It Think via hack a day

An interesting link found among my daily reading
