Google's Daydream science labs bring STEM experiments to VR via Engadget

Very good to see that VR is making its way into practical uses, especially in education. — Douglas

It's not always easy for STEM students to find enough lab time to get their work done, which is often essential for their degrees. Whether it's down to student demand, school budgets or students living far away from their university's labs, there are a range of obstacles. To that end, Google has teamed up with Labster to open more than 30 virtual reality labs in Daydream to help students get more lab time no matter where they are.

Those studying for the online BS in Biological Sciences at Arizona State started working in the labs earlier this month, with full course credit available. The degree features 30 VR simulations on topics like animal physiology, ecology and molecular biology. The University of Texas at San Antonio, MIT, McMaster University and other schools in Europe and North America will also let students carry out work in VR labs soon.

Read Google's Daydream science labs bring STEM experiments to VR via Engadget

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