Guardin, Guarding the Garden: Turn Raspberry Pi Into a 3rd Eye via Hackaday

Guardin, Guarding the Garden: Turn Raspberry Pi Into a 3rd Eye via Hackaday

If you are a gardener, you’ll know only too well the distress of seeing your hard work turned into a free lunch for passing herbivorous wildlife. It’s something that has evidently vexed [Jim], because he’s come up with an automated Raspberry Pi-controlled turret to seek out invading deer, and in his words: “Persuade them to munch elsewhere”.

Before you groan and sigh that here’s yet another pan and tilt camera, let us reassure you that this one is a little bit special. For a start, it rotates upon a set of slip rings rather than an untidy mess of twisted cables, so it can perfom 360 degree rotations at will, then it has a rather well-designed tilting cage for its payload. The write-up is rather functional but worth persevering with, and he’s posted a YouTube video that we’ve placed below the break.

Read Guardin, Guarding the Garden: Turn Raspberry Pi Into a 3rd Eye via Hackaday


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