Technology isn’t just computers, networks and phones. Technology has always been part of the human experience. All of our ancestors have looked for ways to help the survive and do less work for more gain. has a host of old technology books (from mid-19th to mid-20th Century) available in many formats and on a host of topics. Many of the technologies discussed within these books are being put to use again these days in the “back to the land" and “homesteading” movements. You might even find something that could address one of your own garden or farm issues, but has been lost to time and history. Enjoy! --Douglas
Historical Technology Books: Farm buildings by Gordon-Van Tine Co. - 2 in a series
How To Buy Your Farm Building
THE buildings shown on tjie following pages are divided into two classes — our very superior "Gold Medal" build ings and our better than -average "Standard" buildings. Specifications for each will be found on pages 16 and 17. They should be read very carefully so that you will know just what you get in a Gordon Van Tine farm building and just what the differences are between "Gold Medal" and "Standard" build ings. As you read these specifications note how complete and thorough they are. Remember that they include such things as built-up doors, built-up window frames, ready framed lum ber, complete hardware, and paint, and that they specify the very best kind of this material. They are not in any way comparable to the average list of material furnished by the average local lumber dealer which does not include the features of ready framing, built up doors, paint, etc.
Over 600 Sizes and Designs of Barns To Choose From
You will find in this book over 600 thor oughly practical, tested and proved designs and sizes of Dairy Barns, Cattle Feeding Barns, Bank Driveway Barns, Horse Barns, Hay Barns and General Purpose Barns, hav ing Gothic, Gambrel, or Gable Roofs. The prices shown on pages 1 to 4 refer to these buildings as they are illustrated, including doors and windows as shown, also loft floor, but do not in clude any bins, stalls, partitions, ventilating systems, or barn equipment.
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