Want To Learn Coding? Check Out These Resources Recommended By Tech Experts via Forbes

Learning about coding doesn’t mean you need or want to become a programmer. It simply enlightens you to the methods used to create the software you use on a daily basis and how it affects you and your work. it also teaches logic, design and critical thinking skills, which can benefit you in everything you do. Dip your toe into coding and see what you might learn there. — Douglas 

Nearly everywhere you look—from business management, to customer engagement, to product development—technology plays a massive role. As such, tech-related skills—and coding in particular—are excellent additions to nearly any professional’s resume.

A variety of books, apps and websites make it easy for even busy professionals to get a start on learning the fundamentals of coding. But which entry-level resources are the most effective? Below, 13 experts from Forbes Technology Council share their recommendations for beginners interested in learning coding.

Read Want To Learn Coding? Check Out These Resources Recommended By Tech Experts via Forbes

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