Historical Technology Books: Catalogue and price list the, Implement Company : giving special low prices of the best farm implements and farm machinery (1915) - 26 in a series

Technology isn't just computers, networks and phones. Technology has always been part of the human experience. All of our ancestors have looked for ways to help them survive and do less work for more gain. Archive.org has a host of old technology books (from mid-19th to mid-20th Century) available in many formats and on a host of topics. Many of the technologies discussed within these books are being put to use again these days in the back to the land" and homesteading movements. You might even find something that could address one of your own garden or farm issues but has been lost to time and history. Enjoy! --Douglas

Historical Technology Books: Catalogue and price list the, Implement Company : giving special low prices of the best farm implements and farm machinery (1915) - 26 in a series

Agriculture is sometimes seen as a historical, backward industry where innovation has no place. This is entirely wrong and, in fact, agriculture has always been quite innovative, especially in its adoption of science and technology. Take a look at the machines available in the 1915 catalog and you’ll see a variety of labor-saving and yield improving technology that was available over 100 years ago. — Douglas

Available in PDF, Text, JPG formats, and more



AUGUST 20, 1915.

Catalogue Price List



Giving Special Low Prices of the Best


Grain Drills, Lime Sowers, Corn Binders, Feed Cutters
and Blowers, Disk and other Harrows, Farm and
Dump Wagons, Metal and other Roofing,
Barb and Woven Wire Fencing, Gaso-
line and Steam Engines, Wood
Saws, Pea Threshers Cane
Mills, Etc.

The Implement Company

1302 AND 1304 E. MAIN STREET


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** Many of these books may be available from your local library. Check it out!
† Available from the LA Public Library
