Simplified 3D Printed Animatronic Dual Eye Mechanism via Nilheim

A detailed project with an excellent build video. I am sure there are a lot of skills to learn here that could be applied to many different projects in the future. — Douglas

Simplified 3D Printed Animatronic Dual Eye Mechanism via Nilheim

​Having built a simple single-eye mechanism in the past, I wanted to improve on the design as well as making it more accessible to the maker community. The updated assembly uses parts that can easily be bought online, and almost all the components can be printed easily without supports. Designing the model in this way does sacrifice some functionality, but I'll be releasing an optimised design in the future. This project is ideal if you want to build a functional and realistic eye mechanism, but don't necessarily have access to tools like a lathe or speciality components.

Read Simplified 3D Printed Animatronic Dual Eye Mechanism via Nilheim

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