Historical Technology Books - 47 in a series - An elementary treatment of the theory of spinning tops and gyroscopic motion by Harold Crabtree (1909)



The object of this book is to bring within the range of the abler Mathematicians at our Public Schools and of First Year undergraduates at the Universities, a subject which has hitherto been considered too difficult for any but the more advanced students in Mathematics, while even they have in many cases failed to derive more pleasure from the study of spinning tops than is contained in submitting the problem to the action of a complicated piece of Mathematical machinery^ which automatically, though unintelligently, turns out the correct result.

In this attempt to present an elementary, and at the same time a scientific view of the subject, I have expanded several of the suggestive ideas put forward in Dynamics of Rotation by Professor Worthington, to whom is due a large debt of thanks for much liberal criticism and assistance in the earlier chapters, and for permission to borrow his article on Brennan's Monorail.
