How to stop Netflix autoplay via The Verge

A small tip to make your online life just a little bit nicer! — Douglas

Netflix has finally answered the plea of many, many customers and now offers a way to disable autoplaying videos when you’re browsing the home screen. If you’re tired of trailers for shows or movies starting to play whenever you briefly pause on a selection, this is the option you’ve been waiting for.

The important thing to know is that you can only change this setting by signing into Netflix with a web browser; as of now, there’s no way to do it from the Netflix app on your smartphone, tablet, or TV. But the process couldn’t be much easier.

Sign into your Netflix account on the web.
Click your profile photo in the upper right and choose “Manage Profiles.”
Choose the profile you want to disable autoplay for. Beneath the options for your profile name, language, and parental controls, you’ll see a section for autoplay controls.

Read How to stop Netflix autoplay via The Verge

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