Animal Crossing Is Helping Me Homeschool My Five-Year-Old via Kotaku

It was within minutes of sitting down on the couch with Toby that I realized we were onto something here. He was immediately enamored, enough so that he finally found the incentive to get over his frustrations with game controllers. That there were bugs to net and fish to catch meant he was in, and he became determined enough to get to grips with two analogue sticks. In fact, such was his determination that he began voluntarily reading the words on the screen to be able to do so. He wanted to craft a fishing rod, so “f-i-sh-ing r-od” he would read. Voluntarily reading! With no threats or bribes! What magics was this?!

Read Animal Crossing Is Helping Me Homeschool My Five-Year-Old via Kotaku

An interesting link found among my daily reading
