Arduino: A Self-Contained Data Logging Anemometer via Instructables

I love collecting and analyzing data.  I also love building electronic gadgets.  A year ago when I discovered the Arduino products, I immediately thought, "I'd like to collect environmental data."  It was a windy day in Portland, OR, so I decided to capture wind data.  I looked at some of the instructables for anemometers and found them quite useful, but needed to make some engineering changes.

First, I wanted the device to run self-contained, outdoors, for a week.  Second, I wanted it to be able to record very small gusts of wind, several of the designs here required rather strong winds to get going.  Lastly, I wanted to record the data.

Read A Self-Contained Data Logging Anemometer : 11 Steps (with Pictures) via Instructables

An interesting link found among my daily reading
