A Steampunk Geiger Counter with Raspberry Pi & Grafana via Hackster.io

I built a desktop radiation monitor based on a cheaply available board, added some toggle switches, Nixie tubes and a Raspberry Pi.

I was always a fan of the steampunk style, and having also had experience building steam engines in the past, there was only one real direction this project could go. Once I had my radiation detector kit hooked up to my Raspberry Pi running InfluxDB and Grafana, I found myself woodworking, machining, and fabricobbling an enclosure out of mahogany, brass, copper, toggle switches and, because it just had to be done, Nixie tubes.

Read the story of the almost year-long journey (*cough* some other stuff cropped up…) I went on to make my steampunk vision a reality below, and if you want to get up and running quickly, find out how to build your own simple one.

Read A Steampunk Geiger Counter with Raspberry Pi & Grafana via Hackster.io

An interesting link found among my daily reading
