Blizzard's virtual BlizzCon will be free to watch via Engadget

Like most other events over the last eight months or so, Blizzard’s BlizzCon didn’t go ahead as usual. Tens of thousands of fans would have attended. Instead, they'll have to make do with an all-digital replacement in February: BlizzConline. Unlike with BlizzCon proper, though, you’ll be able to stream the whole event for free. 

At BlizzCon, only certain aspects are free to watch, including the opening ceremony (at which Blizzard tends to make major announcements about its games) and at least some of the esports events. For everything else, including developer panels, cosplay contests and the closing ceremony, you’d typically need a virtual ticket, which cost $50 last year. Not so for BlizzConline. Blizzard president J. Allen Brack said in a fireside chat video that “We want it to be a big virtual celebration, so BlizzConline will be free to watch and engage in."

Read Blizzard's virtual BlizzCon will be free to watch via Engadget

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