These Are Some of the Best Citizen Science Projects You Can Join With Just Your Phone or Laptop via Gizmodo

These Are Some of the Best Citizen Science Projects You Can Join With Just Your Phone or Laptop

Maybe you’ve never noticed, because they don’t get a lot of hype but there are hundreds and hundreds of citizen science projects that you can get involved in. These projects range from tagging space observatory photos to transcribing documents that are centuries old. You don’t need any special skills or qualifications to help advance the cause of science, just a laptop or a phone.

We’re indebted to a number of citizen science websites for collecting these projects—check out Zooniverse, SciStarter, AnecData,, and Wikipedia (of course) for some more inspiration. There are hundreds of projects you can get involved with at any time, all contributing to worthy causes across the planet.

We’ve collected some of our current favorites below.

Read These Are Some of the Best Citizen Science Projects You Can Join With Just Your Phone or Laptop
