Get a Snapshot of your day with Google Assistant via The Official Google Blog

Two years ago, we introduced Google Assistant Snapshot, a new way to stay on top of your day with Google Assistant. Now, we're adding a few updates to make Snapshot more helpful, and proactive, in keeping you ahead of your upcoming tasks while also providing you with recommended activities and more, all in one place on Android or iOS devices.

See a summary of your most important tasks 

In addition to the essential information you’ve grown to rely on like your agenda, commute times and reminders to pay your credit card, you’ll now start to see a summary of other important tasks right at the top—things like reminders for upcoming birthdays and holidays. Your Snapshot will adjust based on the time of day and your interactions with Google Assistant. For example, in the morning you will see a card about your commute, weather, to-dos and top headlines.

Read Get a Snapshot of your day with Google Assistant via The Official Google Blog

An interesting link found among my daily reading
