How to change Alexa’s voice via The Verge

My wife has been asking for this since we first started using Siri and Alexa. I changed all of our the moment I found out.

Say. “Alexa, change your voice”

If this doesn’t work, you can use the Alexa app to change it from your smartphone.

— Douglas

Alexa’s pleasant, feminine voice has filled the homes of millions over the past few years, but now Amazon has finally released a masculine counterpart for it. Amazon is late to this — both Apple and Google have offered different voices, both feminine and masculine, in their virtual assistants for years. But late or not, it’s nice that Amazon is finally giving some choice for Alexa.

In addition to the two main Alexa voices, Amazon also has celebrity voices (right now you can choose between Samuel L. Jackson, Shaquille O’Neal, and Melissa McCarthy). These are programmed to work with certain phrases and answer select questions — mostly alarms and timers, jokes, or weather reports. They also cost $5 each. Any query to an Echo device that’s not supported by the chosen celebrity voice will get a response from the native Alexa voice.

Read How to change Alexa’s voice via The Verge

An interesting link found among my daily reading
