RSS is Wonderful via Quakkels

I am still a BIG user of RSS feeds to gather new and interesting info from around the Internet and I recommend it to many people. There is something very useful about information that comes to you instead of forcing you to go out and search for it yourself. This definitely falls under the rule of working smarter, not harder. — Douglas

I am not a big social media guy anymore. Over the last few years I’ve been actively avoiding it. I’m not a fan of each platform’s privacy concerns, and users need to be very cautious to avoid flamewars and infinite doomscrolling. If we aren’t careful, social media’s default state seems to devolve into just destroying trust and goodwill. I prefer society in real life.

However, avoiding social media means that we lose a lot of interesting articles, funny memes, and informative videos that are shared on those platforms. Maybe that’s okay since there’s a lot of unproductive and even destructive activity happening on social media. But, I still want online communities that allow us to:

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An interesting link found among my daily reading
