Raspberry Pi PaperPi App Offers Cool E-Ink Display Tools via Tom's Hardware [Shared] [Raspberry Pi]

E-Ink displays are a popular choice for many makers in the Raspberry Pi community. Their design lends to low energy consumption, and they’re relatively easy to program using Python, but if you’re new to this sort of project, it can be a lot to take in. That’s where developer Aaron Ciuffo’s PaperPi project comes into play.

According to Ciuffo, PaperPi features a selection of custom E-Ink display plugins that rotate through a set of predefined content. Instead of starting from scratch, PaperPi provides some of the most sought offer tools so makers can get started with using their hardware without much hassle.

Read Raspberry Pi PaperPi App Offers Cool E-Ink Display Tools via Tom's Hardware

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